The accounting and reporting of carbon offset credits can vary based on regulatory carbon pricing and cap-and-trade guidelines in different jurisdictions. Our system offers an independent third-party monitoring and verification based on approved methodologies.

Emission Reduction Quantification: This involves establishing a baseline against which the emission reductions are measured, using approved calculation methods, and monitoring protocols. The emission reductions are typically expressed in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

Verification and Certification: Our independent and automated system monitors data to ensure compliance with the approved methodologies for emission reduction calculations. If the project meets the requirements, it receives verification and certification, confirming the legitimacy of the carbon offsets.

Audit and Compliance: Regulatory bodies conduct audits and compliance verifications to ensure the accuracy and integrity of reported data. This may involve site visits, data review, and verification of retired credits. Our system provides accurate and comprehensive view of transactions when such audits are conducted to avoid any surprises.